Install Mysql Using Inno Setup Linux
IntroductionThe tip contains InnoSetup script to download and install MySQL ODBC driver in generated setup package. BackgroundI'm using InnoSetup tool for preparing setup packages for applications that I develop for my company. Because we use different database servers (MSSQL, MySQL) and different versions, very often I had to install required ODBC drivers (especially for MySQL) separately. I was not satisfied with this solution, so I have looked for some solution that solved this problem. I found the (big thank you, stfx). This article showed me a way how it is possible to do it. This article is an example how to install MySQL ODBC Driver 3.51 to x64 or x86 Windows system.
If you've never heard of InnoSetup before, you're not likely to have the requested script handy. To the OP: Maybe you can find further assistence at the XAMPP project, they include the MySQL server in their installer. The ODBC driver setup could be packaged and run as external application with like /silent. Mar 08, 2016 Introduction. MySQL is an open-source database management system, commonly installed as part of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. It uses a relational database and SQL (Structured Query Language) to manage its data. The short version of the installation is simple: update your package index, install the mysql-server package, and then run the included. Apr 06, 2013 Install MySQL service in Inno Setup. I would like to install MySQL service after install in Inno Setup. There is already similar question here, but no solution there works for me. If I use sc create like that in the solution, then after installation command promt just pop up, but doesn't do anything. I tried modify command according some page, it works great in cmd.
Using the Code. At first, I have used the same folder structure as in stfx's article.
Because our productions PCs don't have connection to Internet, I downloaded the required ODBC installer files (X86, x64) from MySQL web site. Then I copy them to folder ' Dependencies' which is my dependency folder setting in.scriptproducts.iss script.#include 'isxdlisxdl.iss'CustomMessagesDependenciesDir=DependenciesThis was only one thing that I have changed in products.iss script.
Inno Setup Install Types
Mysql For Linux
I have created two new iss scripts in folder.scripts. One for finding out if ODBC driver is already installed (.scriptsmysqlodbcinstalled.iss), second one for installaction of driver if it is not installed yet (.scriptsmysqlodbc.iss). Finally, I have added helper and installer to main setup iss script.Details.scriptsmysqlodbcinstalled.iss- This script does looking for registry key in HKLM root.
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