M35a2 Serial Number Location
Military Vehicle MarkingsAmerican military vehicles have lettering and markings that indicate their unit and other information. The markings are applied on top of the basic color or camouflage scheme. For full information about or, clink on the link.The information on this page applies to U.S.
Vehicles - the military of other nations have their own methods. Army has the most elaborate scheme since they have by far the most vehicles.Stencils for blue drab hood numbers are applied to Dodge trucks at the Detroit factory during World War II. Today in WW II: 15 Aug 1940 Peak day for, including bombing in the North of Britain. More ↓15 Aug 1942, a last ditch attempt to re-supply Malta and avoid surrender to a German blockade, succeeds as tanker SS Ohio and other convoy ships reach Grand Harbour port.15 Aug 1943 In the Aleutians, to retake it from the Japanese (5-24 Aug.15 Aug 1944.15 Aug 1945, remembered as VJ Day (Victory over Japan) in the U.K. 14 August east of the date line, 15 August in Japan.Visit the for day-by-day events 1939-1945! Lettering & Markings on U.S. Army Tactical VehiclesThe Army marking system for tactical vehicles has evolved over the years and has never been completely standardized.
Serial Number (VIN) Vermont License or Permit # If you have leased vehicles and your name or address has changed you MUST check the box & list plate numbers issued to each leased vehicle. If the address given differs from what appears on our records, this will be considered a notification of change of address for all your records.
Serial Number
That is, no matter what the system at any given time there are large variations permitted (or tolerated) across the global operations of the Army with its hundreds of thousands of vehicles. So anything you read here or elsewhere has to be considered in the light of many variations or exceptions.Standard WW II jeep and GPA amphibious jeep belonging to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 1943-1944.During World War II and until the adoption of universal camouflage patterns in the mid-1970s, U.S. Army vehicles had a base coat of lusterless olive drab paint, the that had its own variations and evolution. Markings were in a contrasting, lighter color. During World War II, the marking practices were governed by Army Regulation AR 850-5 covering all types of Army equipment and gear, not just vehicles. The reg came out 25 September 1936 and was frequently revised thereafter.
- The serial number of the truck is stamped on the vertical part of the frame on the driver's side just ahead of the front wheel. You will probably have to do a bit of sanding to reveal it. When you open the door of the truck. On the driver's side, look at the part of the cab that the right side of the door covers when it is closed.
- 2 1/2 ton truck, great to haul water tanks, feed, or about anything you need hauled. Serial Number. Stock Number. RANCHERS SUPPLY COMPANY. 719-336-9416 Email Seller. 400 CRYSTAL ST.
Army registration numbers (on the hood for jeeps and trucks) were factory painted with white or a color called blue drab, chosen because it could not be photographed from a distance (top photo). Bumper markings were applied in the field, along with stars and other tactical marks, usually using flat white paint.
The hood numbers were often field repainted in white as well. In the photo above this paragraph, both blue drab and white markings are evident.With the adoption of camouflage painting, the use of hood registration numbers was dropped and only unit markings on the bumpers remained. The registration number was moved inside where it was stamped on the data plate and/or stenciled on the dash.
M35a2 Serial Number Locations
What do the Army bumper markings mean?So called 'bumper markings' appear on the front and rear of Army vehicles, on the bumper if the vehicle has one or at other convenient places if not. These markings are often cryptic as they contain a lot of information in a few symbols. The details of the system are described in AR 850-5 along with many examples from the WW II and post-war period. Here are a few from the 1942 edition: 1X1R1010th vehicle, 1st Rcn Tr, 1st Inf Div.1Δ81RA1010th vehicle, Co A, 81st Rcn Bn, 1st Armd Div.1C 1CHQ1010th vehicle, Hq Tr, let Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div.★1QSVAV1010th vehicle, 1st QM Co, Serv Gp, (Avn) AAF.3A16MVET1010th vehicle, 16th Vet Evac Hosp, Third Army.III26SA1010th vehicle, Co A, 26th Sig Bn, III Army Corps.With the advent of camouflage painting of vehicles in 1976, the system had a big change.
A breakdown of the Army bumper marking system for camouflaged vehicles comes from Dept. Of the Army Technical Bulletin TB 43-0209 dated October 1976. The information in that publication has gone through changes in the decades since, but still correctly represents the system in most respects.Bumper of a fuel truck at Ft.
Navy, USMC, and USAF have different systems from the Army for marking their vehicles, generally only using a registration number at some external point on the vehicle. The number may be stenciled on in paint or may be in the form of a license plate or other method of attachment. The elaborate codes for unit designations are not generally used by the other services, just the Army. The photo to the left shows a Navy HMMWV on the beach at NAB Coronado, CA with its registration number stenciled on the tailgate (5 December 2005).
On the right, a USAF R-11 Fueling Truck in England (11 March 2002). Below, an MTVR has both hood markings and a license plate, Manila Bay, Philippines, 5 Oct 2009.