Cambria Drapery Rod Installation Instructions
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Cambria Drapery Rod Installation Instructions For Windows
Nosuggestions whatsoever as to why you using the plastic anchors would benecessary. Since the last brand curtain I installed included, I did notuse them, and it all worked out fine I did not use them. I did knowthough that if I just followed those directions it would not work.
Iwould need to take a lot of care to make sure that the rod was level andI would need to drill pilot holes for the screws or they would just notgo in. These instructions gave no advise for the best way to do eitherof these steps which occur before step 1. SoI carefully measured out where the holes should go, got a drill bitsomewhat smaller than the screws, and drilled holes to the depth thescrew would need to go. Then I proceeded to put in the screw using astandard screwdriver.
The head of the screw promptly stripped. Just toomuch torque was required to get the screw to go into the dry wall evenwith the pilot hole having been drilled.
After several minutes ofcursing I was able to get the screw into the wall all of the way, butthere is no way it is coming out. The top of the screw is destroyed. Hadthis been a phillips head screw driver I used I would be less thansurprised, those seem to strip all of the time. I was using a standardhead screwdriver though! There is no way that should have stripped. Theinstructions should have given me guidance as to how to install thatscrew such that it actually goes in.