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November Nights (Solo 1966 & GramParsons & The Like 1965). The song is among the solo recordings of Gramtaped on a Sony 500 reel to reel recorder in Winter Haven, Florida in 1965& ‘66 by his friend Jim Carlton (whom Gram met in 1959 - they remainedfriends through high school and the rest of his life). This one is fromDecember 1966.
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Before that Gram recorded a demo in late November 1965 with hisgroup The Like (which soon transformed into the InternationalSubmarine Band) at the end of a Brandon DeWilde audition session for RCA inNYC in which the band was the back-up group. They knocked out “November Nights”and “I Just Can’t Take It Any More” at the end of the day. It was produced byMarty Ehrlichman, who managed, among others, Barbara Streisand and John Barry.Found on the CD “Fallen Angels” (1999 BMG Camden Deluxe Holland). More And More (Rehearsal 1972) Written byMerle Kilgore. This is one of two songs, not on any of Gram’s albums, found onfive audio cassettes that were in the possession of the late Rick Grech (whoco-produced “GP” with Gram). Yet another great but obscure country classic.This one was done by Webb Pierce. Like most (if not all) of these tunes, Gramprobably would have recorded this if he had lived longer.
Side note: ChrisJames (leader of The Gram Band) lived with Debbie Pierce, Webb’sdaughter, in the early 1980s in Nashville. “I remember a few times going overto Webb’s house with the guitar shaped swimming pool and seeing ol’ Webbsitting in the dark, listening to the radio and drinking the end of his lifeaway,” Chris recalls.
Furthermore, James played keyboards on Merle Kilgore’sfinal album. Everybody Loves A Winner ( The FlyingBurrito Brothers w/ Clarence White, Palomino Club, LA, June 8, 1969)Written by Booker T. Jones/Bill Williams. Here is a great example of Gram’slove for Rhythm & Blues music. His version of Cosmic Country-Rockincorporated this element.
A recording exists of Gram singing this song at thePalomino in 1969 with the brilliant guitarist, Clarence White of the Byrds sittingin with the Burrito Brothers. This song is along the same lines as “TheDark End Of The Street” and “Do Right Woman”, the R&B classics from “TheGilded Palace of Sin” (the 1 st Burrito Brothers album).
Aint No Beatle, Aint No Rolling Stone (Hotelroom rehearsal mid-1972). This is the other song from Rick Grech’s cassettesthat isn’t on any of the albums. The sound quality on this ultra-rare GramParsons original is poor, recorded on a portable cassette recorder. It featuresjust Gram singing and playing guitar while someone (probably Grech) is playingviolin much too close to the microphone (ruining the recording).
Not only is ita charming personal statement, it is the last unreleased Gram Parsons song. Don’t Let Her Know ( Fallen Angels Liveat Oliver’s Club, Boston, March 1973) Written by Buck Owens. Here is a fineexample of Gram’s strong love for classic country music extending to lesserknown songs. Password zip. Parsons is probably more responsible than anyone else for turninga younger rock audience on to great country songs.
Buck was one of hisfavorites. On a poor quality audience tape from the performance in Boston 1973,you can hear Gram introduce this one with these words: “This is for all of youpeople who didn’t quite get turned off by Hee-Haw before you got a chance todig Buck Owens. He was really a gas before he started strapping on that red,white & blue guitar (little bit of applause). I really mean it.He did some silly things, ‘I’m-a pickin’ and he’s a-grinning’, whatever.”. Wheel Of Fortune (Solo 1965). A gorgeousParsons original from the solo recordings taped in 1965 & ‘66 by Gram’sfriend Jim Carlton in Florida. This one is from December 26, 1965.
Gram was inhis folksinger phase, having attended Harvard and more recently hung out andplayed quite a lot in Greenwich Village with friends that included JohnPhillips, Barry Tashian and Richie Furay. The song is so pretty and wellconstructed that it’s almost certain that had Gram lived, he would have broughtit back out (like he did with “Brass Buttons”, a song just as old that surfacedon his final album). One Day Week (Recorded September 14 th,‘66 by the International Submarine Band, this was Columbia single4-43935). This Gram Parsons original was actually released and the recording,though somewhat primitive, is good. But it fell into immediate obscurity. Itdoes not appear on any of the six studio albums that feature Gram. The groupwas performing Beatle-esque Pop-Rock here, one year before they underwentsignificant personnel changes and made their landmark Country-Rock album “SafeAt Home” on LHI Records.
Note: Chris James played on the reunion CD by the ISBrecorded in the late 1980s. Apple Tree (One of two Gram Parsons songs onJohnny Rivers, “Slim Slow Slider” Imperial LP 16001 released in 1970). JohnnyRivers made the acquaintance of Parsons in 1969 and got two unreleased songsfrom Gram for his album. “Apple Tree” was not recorded by Gram (at least noversion has surfaced). The other song “Brass Buttons” wound up on Gram’s finalLP “Grievous Angel” in January 1974. In 2000 the Nashville Country-Rock group, Mr.Hyde, with Chris James singing, released their version of “Apple Tree”.
'The tragic news that Tom Petty had passed away onOctober 2nd, 2017 left a large void in the rock music universe (.).Horst-PeterSchmidt, the gifted and prolific German singer/songwriter who has frontedDifferent Faces and Starbyrd, has a similar strong connection to Tom Petty’smusic (.). Sometime late in 2017 or early in 2018, we discussed the idea of aTom Petty tribute song. The concept then grew from a single tribute song to aCD-EP and eventually into this full-length CD. Joining Starbyrd on this tributealbum are fellow Petty enthusiasts Manfred Tessmer and Burckhard Thoenissen. The“Starbyrd West” contingent includes Karen Osterloh, Scot Hoffman, SteveSchaible and Ray St.